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Showing posts from April, 2020

Photography in my artisitc aproach. FROM PAINTING TO LIFE

The key in my work is the wish to shape that moment of real elements, usable objects. I want to remind everyone that their bedroom from home, the notes on the refrigerator or the wine stains on the carpet are all “art” and more than that, gathered together, reflect our privacy, a mirror of our thoughts. How else can you better represent “a moment of life”? Journey at Constanta, 2017 As a painter, I started to consider photography as a medium to express myself when I was exploring the idea that "art is life itself". This idea would soon become my calling.  I did my first photography project, ÉTANT DONNÉS – STEALING LIFE FROM TODAY in 2015. There is a lot to say about it, so I will reserve a separate blogpost about it in the future. Focus on the setting Since then, a huge interest was allocated on making costumes and objects – quite an ambitious setting for the future shootings. Elements that otherwise I was used to paint with – were reshaped now i...